कंक्रीट वाटरटनक की वाटरप्रूफिंग एफ ए क्यूस
वॉटरप्रूफिंग गाइड
जब आप एक घर का निर्माण कर रहे हों, तो पानी के रिसाव को रोकने के लिए आवश्यक कदम उठाना बहुत जरूरी है। वॉटरप्रूफिंग के लिए डॉ फिक्सिट भारत का अग्रणी ब्रांड है जो आपको नींव से छत तक की सभी वॉटरप्रूफिंग जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए कई तरह के उत्पाद और समाधान उपलब्ध कराता है।
डॉ फिक्सिट आपके घर में लगातार होने वाली समस्याओं जैसे कि नमी, पेंट निकलना, सीलन आदि से बचाता है । आज के नए और आधुनिक वॉटरप्रूफिंग समाधानों के साथ डॉ फिक्सिटआपको रिसाव मुक्त घर की गारंटी देता है!
डॉ फिक्सिट प्रशिक्षित आवेदकों के साथ पूर्ण तकनीकी सहायता भी प्रदान करता है। अपने नए निर्माण के लिए अत्याधुनिक वॉटरप्रूफिंग का अनुभव करने के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें।
Water tanks are meant to safely store water without any leakages. But here it’s not just the question of leakages. The primary problem is avoiding the growth of fungus.
You’d wonder how the fungus is formed? At times, seepage and leakage from overhead and underground tanks spoil the décor. This, in turn, helps the growth of algae and fungus, which leads to weakening of the structure.
For this reason, such areas should be made waterproof as well as safe for potable water. For this, you have to employ the right water tank waterproofing method using the right products—Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP & Dr Fixit Fastflex.
Before using these water tank waterproofing products, make sure you keep the following things in mind:
- Surface to be treated should be clean and free from dirt, oil and other loose material
- Concrete or masonry surfaces should be fully cured before application
- All surface cracks, undulations and voids must be repaired appropriately before application
- Correctly grout all construction joints using polymer modified mortar using Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP
To waterproof the water tank from inside, we recommend using Dr Fixit Pidifin 2K, an acrylic cementitious waterproof coating. For other water tank waterproofing, we suggest Dr Fixit Dampguard. The two-component epoxy waterproof coating can help protect the tank from forming algae and fungus or any additional bacterial growth.
Usually, the biggest concern with such water tanks waterproofing products is if they will affect the taste of the water as no one wants to mess with drinking water. Worry not. These products contain constituents that are entirely safe to use with drinking water. The products have been approved by CFTRI, Mysore for its potability and safety. Hence, Dr Fixit Pidifin 2K surely does work as effective water tanks waterproofing solution for new homes.