Visualize the exteriors of your home / building with a wide variety of colours through Colour View -

our proprietary Colour Visualization Tool.

Explore your colour options across nine shade families available in Raincoat – our range of exterior wall coatings. Choose the shade combinations of your choice in a few easy steps and visualise instantly.

Get the best of aesthetics and assured waterproofing with Dr. Fixit Raincoat Range of products!

Raincoat Colour Pallette

The Raincoat colour palette stretches over 1000 shades segregated over nine families with a nature based theme. Choose from the best of hues to create vibrant looking structures with long lasting protection.

Step 01

Click or Upload a picture of your house.

Step 02

Browse through the 1000 shade options available in the Raincoat palette.

Step 03

Choose shades of your choice and colour away your structure in a couple of clicks.


Step 04

Save our project.


Step 05

Share your visualisation with friends and family!