Nature-Inspired Home Decor Tips: Transform Your Home Now!

Bring the wonder of nature into your home - The Happy Homes

Home Care/ Decor

Bring the wonder of nature into your home - The Happy Homes

Being outdoors in nature rejuvenates your senses and offers an infinite feeling of calm and serenity. It would be great therefore to replicate that same feeling in your own home to create a haven, which would capture that sense of whimsy and wonder.

Being outdoors in nature rejuvenates your senses and offers an infinite feeling of calm and serenity. It would be great therefore to replicate that same feeling in your own home to create a haven, which would capture that sense of whimsy and wonder.

There are several ways in which you can recreate the magic of nature, by selecting elements that mimic textures or surfaces found in nature, images that capture the beauty of nature, and natural materials that are derived from nature in eco-friendly ways.

Wallpapers in colours, textures and patterns which remind you of nature are a great way to decorate your home and bring in the beauty and wonder of nature. Wallpapers and murals on entire walls with pictures of rainforests, lakes and oceans, mountains, beaches, sand dunes, waterfalls and other images from nature look stunning due to their sheer size and grandeur. Similarly, large photographs and paintings which capture snapshots from nature add magnificence and a sense of joy in your environment. Simply looking at such images leaves you feeling awed and brings you closer to nature. 

Nature-Inspired Home Decor Tips

Indoor plants, of course, are an obvious way to introduce nature in your midst. When it comes to foliage and shrubs for indoors, look for low maintenance plants which require less sunlight, and will grow to a size which you can accommodate easily. Place them around your home in abundance, on the floor and on tables so that they are always in view.

Extended living rooms which include balconies laid with soil on the floor and covered with a glass ceiling are growing in popularity. These are landscaped as well with small water bodies to creating a garden which is right inside your living area.

Then again, the flooring and the wall can be selected to simulate textures from nature such as stones, rocks, tree bark, leaves, sand and other elements, not only creating an environment friendly appearance but also adding interesting design elements in your décor. Flooring in the form of wood laminates is a great option that comes in a variety of surfaces and textures which replicate the exquisiteness of nature. Similarly, wallpapers are available which have similar patterns and look amazing on the wall. 

Nature-Inspired Decorating Ideas


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