Dr. Fixit Pidiproof Lw Roof Waterproofing Product

Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+

Roof Waterproofing


Features & Benefits:

  • Waterproofs concrete during the construction stage.
  • Improves workability.
  • Avoids cracking.
  • Protect concrete from corrosion.
  • LW+ should be used in concrete, plaster and mortar in all the areas of house.
  • Mix 200 ml of LW+ with every 50 kg bag of cement.

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How Does It Work?


  • What are the available sizes and package prices for Dr. Fixit LW+?

    Dr. Fixit 101 Pidiproof LW+ is available in the following packaging:


     Quantity  Price 
      200ml    Rs. 47  
      1ltr   Rs. 185 
      5ltr    Rs. 770 
      10ltr   Rs. 1460 
      20ltr    Rs. 2600 
      50ltr    Rs. 5680 
      100ltr    Rs. 10365   

  • How to apply Dr. Fixit LW+?

    1. Mix cement , sand and aggregates at appropriate proportion with 2/3rd parts of Mixing water.

    2. Mix Dr Fixit Pidiproof LW+ with balance 1/3rd part of mixing water Add the balance water and Dr Fixit Pidiproof LW+ mix  to premix concrete or mortar.

    3. Mix the concrete or mortar thoroughly till achieving cohesive consistency.

    4. Maintain Water Cement Ratio as low as possible (< 0.5) for higher durability of concrete or mortar.

  • What are the recommended surface areas for Dr. Fixit LW+?

    Dr. Fixit LW+ can be used in Concreting of  Roof slabs, Columns, Beams, Footings , RCC water retaining structures and 
    Plastering of Internal and External walls.

  • What is the recommended dosage of LW+

    200 ml of Dr Fixit Pidiproof LW+ is used with  for every 50 kg Cement bag used.

  • What are the benefits of using Dr. Fixit LW+?

    Benefits of Dr. Fixit LW+ 101 are,

    1. Enhances the cohesiveness of concrete.
    2. Provides improved protection to steel against corrosion.
    3. Prevents dampness.
    4. Reduces plaster shrinkage.
    5. Enhances the overall strength and workability of mortar.

    For more information on the features and benefits of the product, refer to the technical data sheet here.

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